SESD History
The South Utah Valley Electric Service District is a political subdivision of the State of Utah & a local improvement District. SESD is a "Not for profit" Public Power entity created by the Utah State Legislature in 1985 to provide electric service in Southern Utah County. A member of Utah Association of Special Districts (UASD), SESD is the only ELECTRIC Service District in Utah.
- Providing Power to south utah county for more than 110 Years.
- The Strawberry Valley Project (1906) The Strawberry Valley Project comprises about 45,000 irrigable acres centered around Spanish Fork, Utah. This project provided the first large-scale transmountain diversion from the Colorado River Basin to the Bonneville Basin. It also was one of the earliest Bureau of Reclamation projects to develop hydroelectric energy. Project features include Strawberry Dam and Reservoir, Indian Creek Dike, Strawberry Tunnel, two diversion dams, three powerplants, a main canal system, and a portion of the lateral system. The remainder of the distribution system was privately constructed. Two of the powerplants were constructed by the water users association. (*sourced from BOR)
- Under the Strawberry Valley Project, SESD was part of Strawberry Water Users Association, which received hydro-electricity from the SVP and provided power to the areas of south utah county.
- In the 1980's, the Water Users Association split off the electrical service portion of the company in order to continue receiving power from the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) and Strawberry Electric was created by Utah County and ratified by Utah State Legislation in 1985 as a local electric improvement district.
- 1985- Strawberry Electric became Strawberry Electric Service District. "SESD". An electric improvement district.
- In the 2000's Strawberry Electric Service District changed its name slightly, to South Utah Valley Electric Service District and kept the acronym SESD.
- SESD's service territory is over 120 square miles and is divided into 7 service areas (including Elk Ridge Woodland Hills cities
- Each service area is represented by an elected trustee; the Board of Trustees is comprised of 7 members.
- Started with a 3 MW load and has grown into a 15 MW load.
- SESD currently provides service to over 4,000 customers and provides power for a large percentage of south Utah County farms, agriculture, and orchards.

SESD is a Member of the following:
- Utah Association of Special & Service Districts (UASD)
- South Utah Valley Power Systems (SUVPS
- Intermountain Power Superintendents Association (IPSA)
- Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS)
- Colorado River Energy Distributors Association (CREDA)
- American Public Power Association (APPA)