New Construction- Residential Subdivision

Fill out this application if you are requesting electrical service to a residential subdivision in a City or in the County
Electric service to subdivisions can be very complex, with many variables and factors. Easements, rights-of-way, other utilities, permits, offsite facilities are all variables on each application. Please allow for time to design the electrical service as part of your overall subdivision process.
The application & design process may take up to 60 days or even longer if easements are required.
Subdivision plats must depict all existing electrical facilities & easements within, & adjacent to the subdivision parcel(s)
The application will be rejected if existing electrical facilities & easements are not depicted on the plat map and CAD Drawings
There is a $100 per lot application fee due with this application. Please call our office after submitting this application @ 801-465-8020 to pay with credit card, or visit our office location.
Contact us if you are submitting more than 50 lots at one time or if you have any other questions on the submittal.
For files larger than 10mb's, please email them directly to or contact us for other options.